Looking both ways

I’m sitting and writing this in the days between the solstice and the New Year. Those strange, delicious in-betweenness days which, according to legend, are bonus dates that extend the 360 degrees of the horizon’s circle into the 365-ish days of the solar year.

I’m grateful that, as I reflect on the year that is on its way out, I’ve been so fortunate. Especially in Euro-American culture we tend to believe that what happens to us is the results of our choices, and up to a point that may be true. However, much of what happens in our lives is the result of conditions around us, and innumerable other factors over which we – in the sense of our consciousness awareness or even our ability to plan – wield little control. (I am reminded of an interview with the Duke of Westminster in which he wisely suggested that the best way to get rich in the UK was to have an ancestor who was friends with William the Conqueror.) I therefore praise the Goddess Fortuna for her favour.

My good fortune last year consisted of many opportunities to work with remarkable people. This is one way I endeavour to roll with the capricious Wheel of Fortune, by surrounding myself with wonderful friends, allies, colleagues and collaborators. I get to do cool stuff in part because I make it my business to hang out with wonderful humans, to be inspired, cared for, recruited and raised up by them. Amazing collaborations in 2023 included with the team of Breaking Convention and our first conference at the University of Exeter, the members of the Order of the Sun and MoonThe Fungi AcademyThe Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros and many others. I was able to travel in 2023 to attend the MAPS conference in Denver, as well as Music, Magic & Medicine and Occulture in Berlin. Meanwhile I’ve been invited to contribute to the emerging academic fields of occult studies, psychedelics and philosophy and esoteric art. I’ve been administered intravenous DMT for an hour at Imperial College, and taught local NHS wellbeing programs. My strategy, such as it is, is to put myself in the right place (physically, psychologically etc) and then just wait for amazing things (collaborations, situations, inspiration etc) to arise. This echoes the view of my Tai Chi teacher, quoting his teacher Cheng Man-ching, that to access the power of chi all you had to do was put yourself in the right place and then it will just turn up. The analogy being catching a bus; you have to get to the right bus stop but once you’re there just be patient, and get on board when it arrives.

Find the allies

I recognise my privilege in all this, in all the opportunities I have been able to access. I thank Fortuna for the chance to doing things I love with people I respect, admire and whose company I enjoy. My happiness, as I reflect on 2023, is also born of the perception that some of the things I’ve done have helped others. For example, at the Breaking Convention conference Nikki and I had more than one person tearfully express to us how grateful they were to be in a setting in which their interest in psychedelics was accepted and indeed celebrated. For me it’s both a source of honour and of delight to be able to do this work which I consider an expression, speaking with my pointy occultist hat on, of my Great Work. Meanwhile for those who missed the conference itself, the talks from Breaking Convention 2023, like those of previous years, are all available free on YouTube.

Me on intravenous DMT, for science, selecting my post entity-encounter lunch.

I’ve also been honoured to directly support the next generation of psychedelic sitters by teaching on programs curated by Daniel ShankinLaura-Dawn, and Natasja Pelgrom.

2024 looks like it is set to be equally busy in a good way, here are a few things that are already scheduled:

I’ll be speaking at The Occult Conference in Glastonbury, 17-18th of February in person, and the following weekend I’ll be part of the online Sacred Mycology Summit curated by The Fungi Academy, 23-25th February.

I’m facilitating a psychedelic retreat in The Netherlands with the excellent Nurse Jo and other very experienced space holders (Jo’s blog is here). This will be immediately after the Breaking Convention 2024 one-day event in London. For details of the BC event follow them on social media so you can grab a ticket once these go live, or sign up to their newsletter.

If you’re interested in joining me in the Netherlands for our retreat, which is specifically for psychonauts who want to develop their space holding skills, please drop me a message. The dates for this are Monday 22nd until Saturday 27th of April.

Meanwhile on the artistic front, there is another exhibition scheduled for The Order of the Sun and Moon, once again in St Ives, this time from the 9th to 15th of November. We’re also planning a show in London earlier in the year, details are yet to be confirmed so watch this space for updates.

The illustrated volume of essays by the Order of the Sun and Moon with foreword by Judith Noble remains available via Amazon. Contact me direct if you want one of the rare signed copies, or one of the editions that contain original artwork by Greg Humphries.

I was really chuffed that so many people attended the opening night, that visitors to the gallery keep the place buzzing for a week, and that I sold several pieces. The artworks that I produce for sale can be found on the gallery page of my website and you can see the pieces from the St Ives show here.

Kate Southworth, Greg Humphries and me in The Crypt Gallery, St Ives, Cornwall.

Also via my website I’ve got three inexpensive self-directed courses available (in fact one of them is completely free) and I’m working with the excellent Dave Lee to shortly add an extensive course on chaos magic too. Dave incidentally has just published another excellent book, Primal Chaos: Writings and Rituals from Then and Now through Nikki Wyrd’s publishing house The Universe Machine.

Finally, I’m going to be doing lots of online esoteric workshops with Treadwell’s Books (coming up next New Year’s MagicScryingChaos Magic and Psychogeography), Morbid Anatomy (Chaos MagicSigil Magic, and Navigating Psychedelic Space), Viktor Wynd (An Introduction to Aleister Crowley, and Thelemic Magick) and The College of Psychic Studies (details coming soon). Stay tuned to my social media for more details.

Thanks for taking the time to catch up with my news! Now it’s back to the excellent home-made mince pies, baked and photographed by the ever skilful Nikki Wyrd…

The pies have it!

I hope that you found good fortune in 2023, and wish you a fabulous and flourishing 2024.

Big Love!


The Red Magic of Lammas

The British archipelago, that cluster of islands off the European mainland on which I live, is changing colour. The sky, while still sometimes blessed with the bright blue of summer, now fills with the grey of anvil headed thunder clouds, gravid with rain. The green of the land, with trees magnificent in their full leaf, tips over into the gold of harvest time. Rolls, bales, and here in North Devon even stooks of grain, stand sculptural in the fields. This is the time of Lammas, a time associated with Red Magic in the Chaos Craft interpretation of The Wheel of the Year.

In Liber Kaos Peter J. Carroll describes Red Magic as ‘war magic’. Inspired perhaps by his father’s military experiences Carroll often uses combative metaphors in his work. However, there are many other approaches to understanding Red Magic. My perception of this ‘ray’ or ‘sephira’, to use older nomenclature, is similarly influenced by my father. When my Dad did his National Service, or more accurately was conscripted, he did so as a medic. Perhaps this is a reason why my perception of Red Magic is, in part, refracted through the lens not of war but of medicine. Healing and war do of course have much in common. For instance, it can sometimes be useful to describe biological processes in martial terms: a virus can ‘invade’ the body and ‘attack’ our cells whereupon ‘guard’ cells and other ‘defenders’ begin the ‘counter-attack’ etc etc. However the essence of chaos magic, as a philosophical practice, is to recognize that this vocabulary, like any series of metaphorical statements, inevitably reveals certain truths while concealing others. For example, the military narrative of ‘viral attack’ if taken literally would seem to be quite incompatible with the processes by which viruses become part of our genome

On both the battlefield and in the context of healing one of the virtues of Red Magic is that of courage. This courage is the bravery of the child resolving to rip off a sticking plaster in one swift movement, or the courage to face a devastating diagnosis and find ways to live as well as one can, not only to ‘fight’ an illness, but also to open to the experience and to learn from it. This courage can be quiet and unassuming, such as the social courage to live with illnesses that cannot be seen as signs by others, but only reported as symptoms. There is the courage to face rehabilitative exercises and surgical procedures, the courage of seeking to heal our trauma, and the courage of reaching out for help. 

magnetic hematite ally

There’s also the courage to wait before we act; to be patient until the time is right before we scythe the crop or the determination to endure the swelling boil until it is ripe for the lancet. In combative terms – for indeed one important aspect of Red Magic is how we deal with adversaries as well as adversity – we bide our time so that when make our move there is a swift and comprehensive effect.

When we work with Red Magic the emphasis on cultivating virtues, such as courage, can be helpful to stop us battling with monsters and thereby becoming monsters ourselves. It is also important to remember that while violent conflict (war) is part of the human repertoire – and arguably that of some other species too – the realist knows that beneath the thin veneer of civilization (with all its exploitative characteristics) human nature is fundamentally kind and collaborative (check out the excellent Humankind; A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman for more on this).

These processes of endurance, of breaking, of cutting, of drawing lines in the sand, are central to the iconography of Lammas. This is the time of the dying god, the cutting of the Corn King who gives us our daily bread and becomes, in the words of the Wiccan ceremony of Cakes & Wine ‘The Body of our Harvest Lord’. The agricultural tools of this time of the year are the blade, the flail, and the grindstone. The Red Magic gods are deities of warfare as well as gods of agriculture and self-sacrifice. Týr, for example, from the Norse pantheon, who gives us our day-name ‘Tuesday’ , bravely gives up his hand in the process of binding the wolf Fenrir. Týr is a deity suitably invoked by Pagan practitioners who are serving members of the armed forces and emergency services in these difficult times, and by those seeking justice.

The mythology of Lammas, that speaks of the courage to cut and be transformed, to fall and rise again, to give up power and so find it, is deliciously captured in the folk ballad John Barleycorn:

There were three men came out of the West

Their fortunes for to try,

And these three men made a solemn vow

John Barleycorn must die.

They ploughed, they sowed, they harrowed him in

Throwing clods upon his head,

And these three men made a solemn vow

John Barleycorn was dead.

They let him lie for a very long time

Till the rains from heaven did fall,

Then little Sir John’s sprung up his head

And so amazed them all!

They let him stand till the Midsummer Day

Till he grew both pale and wan,

Then little Sir John’s grew a great long beard

And so become a man.

They hire’d men with scythes so sharp

To cut him off at the knee.

They bound and tied him around the waist

Serving him most barb’rously.

They hire’d men with their sharp pitch-forks

To prick him to the heart

But the drover served him worse than that

For he bound him to a cart.

They drove him around and around the field

Till they came unto a barn

And these three men made a solemn vow

On poor John Barleycorn

They hire’d men with crab-tree sticks

To strip him skin from bone,

But the miller, he served him worse than that,

For he ground him between two stones.

There’s Little Sir John in the nut-brown bowl

And brandy in the glass

But Little Sir John in the nut-brown bowl

Proved the stronger man at last.

For the huntsman he can’t hunt the fox

Nor loudly blow his horn

And the tinker, he can’t mend kettle or pot

Without a little Barleycorn.

(I recommend Damh the Bard’s version of this tune as well as his seasonal celebratory Lughnasadh and the dialogue ballad of Green and Grey.)

In this season of Red Magic it is time to take aim, to swing, and cut with skill and clear intention. This is the time to take control of processes, to consider how and what we might need to change in our lives. What needs to be harvested, what cut down and, if necessary, incinerated to make fertile ash and space for new growth.

Along with Samhain, Lammas is a time when we consider endings and death, including our own mortality. What have we achieved in our lives, what nourishment for the future will be left by our ashes? What are the fruits of our labours? As the Norse folk would ask; what will be our renown? What stories, if any, will be told of us by future generations?

As ye sow…

As we age, and enter our golden years, we are drawn by necessity to focus attention on our own mortality, our health and our vigour. In my case, aged 52, I find myself in what Victor Hugo calls ‘the youth of old age’. I’m aware that I need to actively invest more energy in caring for my bodymind. There are only so many times you can copy a file before glitches inevitably start to happen and – until one gets to re-spawn (to continue the gaming metaphor) – it makes sense to aim for compression of morbidity. This means actively working to be as well as we can be so that, when our death process arrives, it is as easy as possible. My tai chi teacher puts this brilliantly, quipping; “the purpose of tai chi is to live a long, happy and productive life and then die quickly and easily so as not to be a burden on your family and friends’. Tai chi chuan is a great example of the multivalent nature of Red Magic. With the Chinese name of this ‘martial art’ being commonly translated as ‘supreme ultimate boxing’, in one sense tai chi is clearly a species of ‘war magic’. But to see it only in those terms would be to ignore its many other aspects, such as its value as a means to cultivate good health, and as an approach to spiritual illumination.

The daylight draws in, and as the apples swell on the trees, the temperature drops while swifts circle frantically overhead before beginning their long migration to Africa. For my friends in the Southern Hemisphere the spring rises and the light grows. But for all of us on the planet, as we move through this shared experience of pandemic together, may we find skilful ways to connect with the spirit of these times, the courage to face our fears, and the opportunity to be transformed.

Julian Vayne

Coming up next…

Breaking Convention

– The Intermission –

14th August

You are invited to join other psychedelic-curious people at this unique day of talks. Our focus this year is very much on ethics, especially in relation to indigenous reciprocity and psychedelic capitalism. News of scientific research comes direct from the source, courtesy of a couple of luminaries from Imperial College London. We are honoured to host a lecture from Robin Carhart-Harris, Founder and Visiting Professor of Imperial’s Centre for Psychedelic Research, in his last public appearance before moving to America, and we are very pleased to welcome David Erritzoe, their Clinical Director, who will be telling us of their current and future research.

We start the day with the words and powerful presence of Don Eugenio Lopez Carilloo (Uru Muile), a Mara’akame in the Wixarika Laguna community, accompanied by Eusebio Lopez and Rodrigo Rurawe. We at Breaking Convention acknowledge the gratitude we owe to all those people who have kept the knowledge and practices of plant medicines alive for so long, in incredibly difficult circumstances.

Also on our stage will be several people with expertise and experience in the field of ethical engagement with psychedelics; from Canada, Andrea Langlois (activism and indigenous rights), and from closer to home our own Alexander Beiner (psychedelic capitalism) and Ashleigh Murphy-Beiner (ethics of the therapeutic process). Timmy Davis, of CDPRG, speaks about their current campaign for rescheduling psilocybin. There will be an in-depth panel discussion around these areas of ethical consideration.
